... like today!
It's a cool, rainy summer evening - a perfect night for crafting. I pulled out THIS TUTORIAL by Natasha at Samster Mommy for a keepsake pincushion box. A super-cute, quick, easy, eco-friendly idea to make your own pincushion out of an old jewelry box.

The only thing I did differently was to cover the bottom of my box as well - I didn't like the color, and the box didn't have sentimental value to me.

It's going to look so cute next to the sewing machine I'm hoping is coming my way on my birthday in a little over a month... nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!!

Thanks Natasha, and all of you other wonderful crafty ladies (and gents!) out there - for sharing your talents and ideas!
Oh- this tuned out SO cute!!
That looks really cute. Perfect for keeping a little sewing kit in.
Thanks ladies! Yes - you can keep all kinds of little sewing doodads in the bottom of it!
That came out SO stinkin' cute! I love the covered bottom too, very nice (:
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