Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday's Wash

After becoming a mom, my dear friend Cindy came up with an eco-friendly way to launder her cloth diapers.  It is non-toxic and biodegradable. This product is formulated to clean your cloth diapers with out leaving residue behind. Many commercial cleaners will reduce the absorbancy of your diapers causing leaks. This laundry wash rinses clean and has never caused a breakout or rash on even the most sensitive newborn skin!

Cindy also recommends her laundry wash for use on all your newborn's clothes and linens. It's cheaper than the leading baby detergent! Special enzymes help break down spit-up, baby food, and all sorts of baby messes. Be sure to pre-treat with a stain remover for best results.

Only 1/8 cup is needed per diaper load. Only 18 cents per load!
So if you have little ones, or know someone who does (the packaging is so cute, it would make a great baby shower gift!), head over to Cindy's Etsy Shop and place your order today.  And don't forget to tell her Joanne sent ya!


M.E. Greene said...

Very cool! We're light years beyond the diaper stage, but this is great stuff for those with little ones. Woo hoo!

rachel said...

Great stuff from a great gal!