Monday, January 25, 2010

Ready, Set, Craft's One Year Blogiversary Bash!

Happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday to me
Happy Birthday to...
my husband?!?!

It's going to be a very special and busy week here at Ready, Set, Craft!  Not only am I celebrating my first complete year of blogging all this week, but today I'm also celebrating hubby's 28th birthday!


I love any excuse to throw a party really... so this week we're going to celebrate all birthday's - yours, mine, hubby's, my blog... it's going to be all birthday's all the time... so hang on to your hats!  (Your party hats, of course!)

Each day this week there will be at least one birthday-themed post... with a lot of surprises thrown in along the way!   I'll also be sharing favorite posts, project or tutorial from Ready, Set, Craft's first year of existence, so be sure to check that out as well!

And to top off the week you're going to want to be sure to tune in on Friday for some super secret stealthy reveals (confused?  more hints to come!) and my  
Blogiversary Bash Giveaway!  Trust me, you don't want to miss it!

So without further ado, let me share a little birthday project with you to kick off our party...

Ready Set Craft's Recycled Birthday Banner

I very firmly believe that birthday's should be celebrated wholeheartedly no matter how old you get.  Just because we're not kids any more doesn't mean we don't want cake, balloons, or games!  For my husband's birthday today (Happy Birthday, Travis!) I wanted his day to start out with a smile, so I whipped up a little banner out of newspaper and wrapping paper.

Newspaper, Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Adhesive, Hole Punch, Scissors / Paper Trimmer

How to:  
This was super easy!  I cut a stack of newspaper into 7x9inch rectangles, then trimmed them into triangles.

I then cut letters out of the scraps of wrapping paper I had leftover from wrapping Trav's birthday presents.  What was SUPER helpful was the gridlines on the paper, made for easy letter sizing and drawing!  I then cut them out, which was the time consuming part.

I used spray adhesive to attach the letters to the newspaper, then outlined them in black sharpie to make them stand out.  I punched two holes in each triangle to feed ribbon through.

I had some yellow raffia in my stash, and I fed all of the pennants onto some long pieces of it.

And that was it!  Ta da!

Wouldn't you love to wake up and walk downstairs to a happy birthday banner?  You're never too old to enjoy your birthday!


angelina la dawn said...

happy birthday! i'm all intrigued about the goodies you have planned- i'm sure it's gonna be fabulous!

Jenn said...

Congratulations on all the birthdays! Woot woot! (That was me tooting the birthday horn). Can't wait to see what else you have planned!

Regina said...

It's your Birthday...Happy Happy Birthday!!! (doing a lil jig as singing the song) LOVE your blog...congrats on the first year. Looking forward to all the birthday crafts.


Anonymous said...

happy blogy birthday! (and hubby birthday, too!)

i am a wee bit obsessed with pennants and banners lately - thanks for the cute idea!

Caroline said...

Happy Blogging Birthday!!!! And, I love your Happy Birthday banner! Great idea--great job--looks very cool!